You are given a string and an array of strings. How to quickly check, if this string can be built by concatenating some of the strings in the array?
This is a theoretica
Note: I assume here that you can use each substring more than once. You can generalize the solution to include this restriction by changing how we define subproblems. That will have a negative impact on space as well as expected runtime, but the problem remains polynomial.
This is a dynamic programming problem. (And a great question!)
Let's define composable(S, W)
to be true if the string S
can be written using the list of substrings W
is composable if and only if:
starts with a substring w
in W
after w
is also composable.Let's write some pseudocode:
return TRUE if S = "" # Base case
return memo[S] if memo[S]
memo[S] = false
for w in W:
length <- LENGTH(w)
start <- S[1..length]
rest <- S[length+1..-1]
if start = w AND COMPOSABLE(rest, W) :
memo[S] = true # Memoize
return memo[S]
This algorithm has O(m*n) runtime, assuming the length of the substrings is not linear w/r/t to the string itself, in which case runtime would be O(m*n^2) (where m is the size of the substring list and n is the length of the string in question). It uses O(n) space for memoization.
(N.B. as written the pseudocode uses O(n^2) space, but hashing the memoization keys would alleviate this.)
Here is a working Ruby implementation:
def composable(str, words)
composable_aux(str, words, {})
def composable_aux(str, words, memo)
return true if str == "" # The base case
return memo[str] unless memo[str].nil? # Return the answer if we already know it
memo[str] = false # Assume the answer is `false`
words.each do |word| # For each word in the list:
length = word.length
start = str[0..length-1]
rest = str[length..-1]
# If the test string starts with this word,
# and the remaining part of the test string
# is also composable, the answer is true.
if start == word and composable_aux(rest, words, memo)
memo[str] = true # Mark the answer as true
memo[str] # Return the answer