I\'ve seen this post - it shows one possible solution. But I would like to have a more elegant way of doing masked input.
It should also play nicely with knockout valida
I tried to use the first answer but it did not work with ko.validation plug in. My validation errors were not being displayed.
I wanted to have little bit more intuitive ko binder. Here is my solution. I am using jquery.inputmask plug in. I also wipe out the property on my viewmodel if not value entered.
ko.bindingHandlers.mask = {
init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
var mask = valueAccessor() || {};
$(element).inputmask({ "mask": mask, 'autoUnmask': false });
ko.utils.registerEventHandler(element, 'focusout', function () {
var value = $(element).inputmask('unmaskedvalue');
if (!value) {
Here is the usage: