I am trying to do something very similar to the $http service. From my understanding $http return a promise object.
When using it the syntax is :
You don't need change source code. Angular provide a way to change any service in angular include $q.
$provide.decorator is perfect for your requirement here is my code.
put it at app.module('...').config
$provide.decorator('$q', function($delegate) {
function httpResponseWrapper(fn) {
return function(res) {
if (res.hasOwnProperty('data') && res.hasOwnProperty('status') && res.hasOwnProperty('headers') && res.hasOwnProperty('config') && res.hasOwnProperty('statusText')) {
return fn(res.data, res.status, res.headers, res.config, res.statusText);
} else {
return fn(res);
function decorator(promise) {
promise.success = function(fn) {
return decorator(promise.then(httpResponseWrapper(fn)));
promise.error = function(fn) {
return decorator(promise.then(null, httpResponseWrapper(fn)));
return promise;
var defer = $delegate.defer;
$delegate.defer = function() {
var deferred = defer();
return deferred;
return $delegate;