I searched the web for different solutions to the n-queens problem in Haskell but couldn\'t find any that could check for unsafe positions in O(1) time, like that one that you k
I am becoming skeptical about the claim that pure functional is generally O(log n). See also Edward Kmett's answer which makes that claim. Although that may apply to random mutable array access in the theoretical sense, but random mutable array access is probably not what most any algorithm requires, when it is properly studied for repeatable structure, i.e. not random. I think Edward Kmett refers to this when he writes, "exploit locality of updates".
I am thinking O(1) is theoretically possible in a pure functional version of the n-queens algorithm, by adding an undo method for the DiffArray, which requests a look back in differences to remove duplicates and avoid replaying them.
If I am correct in my understanding of the way the backtracking n-queens algorithm operates, then the slowdown caused by the DiffArray is because the unnecessary differences are being retained.
In the abstract, a "DiffArray" (not necessarily Haskell's) has (or could have) a set element method which returns a new copy of the array and stores a difference record with the original copy, including a pointer to the new changed copy. When the original copy needs to access an element, then this list of differences has to be replayed in reverse to undo the changes on a copy of the current copy. Note there is even the overhead that this single-linked list has to be walked to the end, before it can be replayed.
Imagine instead these were stored as a double-linked list, and there was an undo operation as follows.
From an abstract conceptual level, what the backtracking n-queens algorithm does is recursively operate on some arrays of booleans, moving the queen's position incrementally forward in those arrays on each recursive level. See this animation.
Working this out in my head only, I visualize that the reason DiffArray is so slow, is because when the queen is moved from one position to another, then the boolean flag for the original position is set back to false and the new position is set to true, and these differences are recorded, yet they are unnecessary because when replayed in reverse, the array ends up with the same values it has before the replay began. Thus instead of using a set operation to set back to false, what is needed is an undo method call, optionally with an input parameter telling DiffArray what "undo to" value to search for in the aforementioned double-linked list of differences. If that "undo to" value is found in a difference record in the double-linked list, there are no conflicting intermediate changes on that same array element found when walking back in the list search, and the current value equals the "undo from" value in that difference record, then the record can be removed and that old copy can be re-pointed to the next record in the double-linked list.
What this accomplishes is to remove the unnecessary copying of the entire array on backtracking. There is still some extra overhead as compared to the imperative version of the algorithm, for adding and undoing the add of difference records, but this can be nearer to constant time, i.e. O(1).
If I correctly understand the n-queen algorithm, the lookback for the undo operation is only one, so there is no walk. Thus it isn't even necessary to store the difference of the set element when moving the queen position, since it will be undone before the old copy will be accessed. We just need a way to express this type safely, which is easy enough to do, but I will leave it as an exercise for the reader, as this post is too long already.
UPDATE: I haven't written the code for the entire algorithm, but in my head the n-queens can be implemented with at each iterated row, a fold on the following array of diagonals, where each element is the triplet tuple of: (index of row it is occupied or None, array of row indices intersecting left-right diagonal, array of row indices intersecting right-left diagonal). The rows can be iterated with recursion or a fold of an array of row indices (the fold does the recursion).
Here follows the interfaces for the data structure I envision. The syntax below is Copute, but I think it is close enough to Scala, that you can understand what is intended.
Note that any implementation of DiffArray will be unreasonably slow if it is multithreaded, but the n-queens backtracking algorithm doesn't require DiffArray to be multithreaded. Thanks to Edward Kmett for pointing that out in the comments for this answer.
interface Array[T]
setElement : Int -> T -> Array[T] // Return copy with changed element.
setElement : Int -> Maybe[T] -> Array[T]
array : () -> Maybe[DiffArray[T]]// Return copy with the DiffArray interface, or None if first called setElement() before array().
// An immutable array, typically constructed with Array().
// If first called setElement() before array(), setElement doesn't store differences,
// array will return None, and thus setElement is as fast as a mutable imperative array.
// Else setElement stores differences, thus setElement is O(1) but with a constant extra overhead.
// And if setElement has been called, getElement incurs an up to O(n) sequential time complexity,
// because a copy must be made and the differences must be applied to the copy.
// The algorithm is described here:
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1255018/n-queens-in-haskell-without-list-traversal/7194832#7194832
// Similar to Haskell's implementation:
// http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Arrays#DiffArray_.28module_Data.Array.Diff.29
// http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/glasgow-haskell-users/2003-November/005939.html
// If a multithreaded implementation is used, it can be extremely slow,
// because there is a race condition on every method, which requires internal critical sections.
interface DiffArray[T] inherits Array[T]
unset : () -> Array[T] // Return copy with the previous setElement() undone, and its difference removed.
getElement : Int -> Maybe[T] // Return the the element, or None if element is not set.
// An immutable array, typically constructed with Array( ... ) or Array().array.
UPDATE: I am working on the Scala implementation, which has an improved interface compared to what I had suggested above. I have also explained how an optimization for folds approaches the same constant overhead as a mutable array.