Im a newbie to ZERMQ. ZeroMQ has TCP, INPROC and IPC transports. I\'m looking for examples using python and inproc in Winx64 and python 2.7, which could also be used for linux.
To the best of my knowledge, UDP is not supported by 0MQ. Also, IPC is only supported on OSes which have a POSIX-conforming implementation of named pipes; so, on Windows, you can really only use 'inproc', TCP, or PGM. However, above and beyond all this, one of 0MQ's major features is that your protocol is just part of the address. You can take any example, change the socket address, and everything should still work just fine (subject, of course, to the afore-mentioned restrictions). Also, the ZGuide has many examples (a good number of which are available in Python).