I would like to retrieve photos from a facebook group using the GraphAPI. Based on FB Docs I don\'t see any connections to photos. I would like to get the photos and the users w
I have the same problem / here is my partial answer, which remains kind of hack :
one can retrieve photos posted on a group via the FQL group.stream or the GraphAPI group.feed (playing around with the facebook graphApi explorer or the fql query/multiquery test console). This way you can retrieve all needed information, included a valid id to retrieve the photo, and one to retrieve the object from the graph.
BUT, this is only valid for individual photos.
since my previous answer was deleted, i won't repost it here, but remind that my similar problem is detailed in this thread FQL or GraphAPI unable to retrieve PHOTO ALBUM or VIDEO posted on a GROUP , which, if ever solved, might even as well help people for this very problem here.