I would like to retrieve photos from a facebook group using the GraphAPI. Based on FB Docs I don\'t see any connections to photos. I would like to get the photos and the users w
Ive been digging a bit in the same issue.
We have a group album which is has this url
So the ID seems to be oa.10150651435446985
Another empty album gets album gets the set-id oa.10150652583791985
A note in the same group id 10150652589396985
Notice the similarity in ID's.
The direct link: http://facebook.com/10150651435446985 works to go to the album.
The album is created by user 1128233556 and the groupid is 184760601984.
Other, individual (not in an album) group photos are in "set" o.184760601984 where the digit represents the group id.
So what does "o" and "oa" stand for? a=album, o=?
Pictures have the following URL: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/420015_3293876662264_1128233556_33234982_110700674_n.jpg
Who can make something out of al that?