After watching NDC12 presentation \"Crafting Wicked Domain Models\" from Jimmy Bogard (, I was wandering how to persist that kind of domain mod
When doing DDD first thing, you ignore the persistence concerns. THe ORM is tighlty coupled to a RDBMS so it's a persistence concern.
An ORM models persistence structure NOT the domain. Basically the repository must 'convert' the received Aggregate Root to one or many persistence entities. The Bounded Context matters a lot since the Aggregate Root changes according to what are you trying to accomplish as well.
Let's say you want to save the Member in the context of a new offer assigned. Then you'll have something like this (of course this is only one possible scenario)
public interface IAssignOffer
int OwnerId {get;}
Offer AssignOffer(OfferType offerType, IOfferValueCalc valueCalc);
IEnumerable NewOffers {get; }
public class Member:IAssignOffer
/* implementation */
public interface IDomainRepository
void Save(IAssignOffer member);
Next the repo will get only the data required in order to change the NH entities and that's all.
About EVent Sourcing, I think that you have to see if it fits your domain and I don't see any problem with using Event Sourcing only for storing domain Aggregate Roots while the rest (mainly infrastructure) can be stored in the ordinary way (relational tables). I think CQRS gives you great flexibility in this matter.