I am working on a Rails project that is just starting. We want to use twitter bootstrap as a base for our styles, at the beginning we would simply use bootstrap\'s class names d
When you rename .btn to .button, you also should rename .form-search to .form-searchnew etc? In that case your sass code in the example above should be something like:
.form-searchnew .input-appendnew .button {
extend(.form-search .input-append .btn);
Which make sense (i don't know sass) and results in the css you expect.
I think bootstrap is not about css only. Bootstrap is about css, html(structure) and javascript. Even when you separate css from html i would not easy to migrate to an other framework. Beside the css you will have to change the html structure and javascript call too.
Example migrate from Twitter's Bootstrap 2 to 3 (see: Updating Bootstrap to version 3 - what do I have to do?). I also wondered if you could migrate by extending the old classes to the new css (see: http://bassjobsen.weblogs.fm/migrate-your-templates-from-twitter-bootstrap-2-x-to-twitter-bootstrap-3/). After reading the migration guide, i think you couldn't.
Other solutions. Angular JS decouples Twitter's Bootstrap from javascript. Also in this case migrations does not seem to be painless see: Angular Dialog directives with Bootstrap 3
Maybe also read this post: http://www.jasonwong.org/post/45849350459/migrating-from-zurb-foundation-twitter-bootstrap-to. It refers to Bourdon and Neat.
Example from their website:
Neat is an open source semantic grid framework built on top of Sass and Bourbon…
// Enter Neat
section {
@include outer-container;
aside { @include span-columns(3); }
article { @include span-columns(9); }
// And the result is...
As they say: "it relies entirely on Sass mixins and does not pollute your HTML" which seems the way you're looking for.