I have implemented onClick listener to my ViewHolder for my RecyclerView
But when I perform very fast double taps or mouse clicks, it performs the task (opens a seperate
If you are using Kotlin you can go with this based on Money's answer
class CodeThrottle {
companion object {
const val MIN_INTERVAL = 300
private var lastEventTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
fun throttle(code: () -> Unit) {
val eventTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
if (eventTime - lastEventTime > MIN_INTERVAL) {
lastEventTime = eventTime
Create this object in your view holder
private val codeThrottle = CodeThrottle()
Then do the following in your bind
name.setOnClickListener { codeThrottle.throttle { listener.onCustomerClicked(customer, false) } }
Putting whatever code you need called in place of
listener.onCustomerClicked(customer, false)