I\'m writing a library (no Ruby on Rails) for which I\'d like to have very detailed Cucumber features. This especially includes describing erro
One option is to mark the scenario with @allow-rescue
and check the page's output and status code. For example
In my_steps.rb
Then(/^the page (?:should have|has) content (.+)$/) do |content|
expect(page).to have_content(content)
Then(/^the page should have status code (\d+)$/) do |status_code|
expect(page.status_code.to_s).to eq(status_code)
Then /^I should see an error$/ do
expect(400..599).to include(page.status_code)
In my_feature.feature
Scenario: Make sure user can't do XYZ
Given some prerequisite
When I do something unwanted
Then the page should have content Routing Error
And the page should have status code 404
or alternatively:
Scenario: Make sure user can't do XYZ
Given some prerequisite
When I do something unwanted
Then I should see an error
This may not be exactly what you were hoping for, but it might be an acceptable workaround for some people who come across this page. I think it will depend on the type of exception, since if the exception is not rescued at any level then the scenario will still fail. I have used this approach mostly for routing errors so far, which has worked fine.