Im digging for ways to enum objc object such as NSString, I remember there a new feature in a version of Xcode4+ which offering a new way to enum , but not clearly. Anyone know
Recent down votes drew my attention, and I'd like to add that enum
is really easy to work with String
enum HTTPMethod: String {
HTTPMethod.GET.rawValue == "GET" // it's true
Unfortunately I ended up using:
#define HLCSRestMethodGet @"GET"
#define HLCSRestMethodPost @"POST"
#define HLCSRestMethodPut @"PUT"
#define HLCSRestMethodDelete @"DELETE"
typedef NSString* HLCSRestMethod;
I know this is not what OP asked, but writing actual code to implement enum seems to be an overkill to me. I would consider enum as a language feature (from C) and if I have to write code, I would come up with some better classes that does more than enum does.
Swift version seems to be prettier, although the performance can never be as good.
struct LRest {
enum HTTPMethod: String {
case Get = "GET"
case Put = "PUT"
case Post = "POST"
case Delete = "DELETE"
struct method {
static let get = HTTPMethod.Get
static let put = HTTPMethod.Put
static let post = HTTPMethod.Post
static let delete = HTTPMethod.Delete