I have uploaded google app java project to production google app engine (from this tutorial), but I can\'t found any information how to stop or disable the production app engine
For me none of the other solutions were applicable as I was testing AppEngine on a project that already used Firestore, and disabling the app would disable it as well which was not an option.
I contacted Google and this is the solution they gave me:
You can overwrite the default version of your app by redeploying the app with an empty application and create an app.yaml that uses only static files:
module: default
runtime: python27
api_version: '1.0'
threadsafe: true
- url: /
static_files: index.html
upload: index.html
instances: 1
a dummy index.html like:
and deploy it using:
gcloud app deploy app.yaml
Then you can stop your app using gcloud app versions stop VERSION_ID