Is it possible to emit a custom event from the directive in the component to which this directive is attached.
I was expecting it to work as described
You can emit custom native javascript events. Create a directive that dispatches an event from the node, using node.dispatchEvent
let handleOutsideClick;
Vue.directive('out-click', {
bind (el, binding, vnode) {
handleOutsideClick = (e) => {
const handler = binding.value
if (el.contains( {
el.dispatchEvent(new Event('out-click')) <-- HERE
document.addEventListener('click', handleOutsideClick)
document.addEventListener('touchstart', handleOutsideClick)
unbind () {
document.removeEventListener('click', handleOutsideClick)
document.removeEventListener('touchstart', handleOutsideClick)
Which can be used like this
h3( v-out-click @click="$emit('show')" @out-click="$emit('hide')" )