I\'m writing a chat-server in node.js, and I want to store connected users IP-addresses in a mysql database as (unsigned) integers. I have written a javascript method to convert
You might also find this pattern useful:
ip.toLong = function toInt(ip){
var ipl=0;
ip.split('.').forEach(function( octet ) {
return(ipl >>>0);
ip.fromLong = function fromInt(ipl){
return ( (ipl>>>24) +'.' +
(ipl>>16 & 255) +'.' +
(ipl>>8 & 255) +'.' +
(ipl & 255) );
If you're using something like node.js where you can add functionality through something like Npm then you can simply do:
npm install ip
To get that functionality from the source which is here:
You will also get a bunch of other IP utility functions with that.