We need to implement the localization in reactjs to define the string value(s). How can I implement that?
One link is there https://www.np
npm install react-localization
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import LocalizedStrings from 'react-localization';
let strings = new LocalizedStrings({
how:"How do you want your egg today?",
boiledEgg:"Boiled egg",
softBoiledEgg:"Soft-boiled egg",
choice:"How to choose the egg"
it: {
how:"Come vuoi il tuo uovo oggi?",
boiledEgg:"Uovo sodo",
softBoiledEgg:"Uovo alla coque",
choice:"Come scegliere l'uovo"
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
language: 'en'
this.handleLanguageChange = this.handleLanguageChange.bind(this);
handleLanguageChange(e) {
let lang = e.target.value;
this.setState(prevState => ({
language: lang
render() {
return (
Change Language:
ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById('root'));
u can put your language specific data in a JSON file or or .js
file. call that file in your current file and pass that object to new LocalizedStrings()
Example: data.js
const data = {
how:"How do you want your egg today?",
boiledEgg:"Boiled egg",
softBoiledEgg:"Soft-boiled egg",
choice:"How to choose the egg"
it: {
how:"Come vuoi il tuo uovo oggi?",
boiledEgg:"Uovo sodo",
softBoiledEgg:"Uovo alla coque",
choice:"Come scegliere l'uovo"
export {data};
in your current file import it as import { data } from './data.js'
and then you can initialise as let strings = new LocalizedStrings({data});