How could you either approximate the reactive environment/behavior established by shiny functions or possibly even use these very functions in a
There is a collection of test_that
unit tests in location /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/shiny/tests/
. They give you a good idea of how the functions/wrappers:
can be used outside of a shinyServer
The key is to use flushReact
to make the reactivity fire off. Here, for example, is one of the tests in file test-reactivity.r
, and I think it already gives you a good sense of what you need to do:
test_that("overreactivity2", {
# ----------------------------------------------
# Test 1
# B depends on A, and observer depends on A and B. The observer uses A and
# B, in that order.
# This is to store the value from observe()
observed_value1 <- NA
observed_value2 <- NA
values <- reactiveValues(A=1)
funcB <- reactive({
values$A + 5
obsC <- observe({
observed_value1 <<- funcB() * values$A
obsD <- observe({
observed_value2 <<- funcB() * values$A
expect_equal(observed_value1, 6) # Should be 1 * (1 + 5) = 6
expect_equal(observed_value2, 6) # Should be 1 * (1 + 5) = 6
expect_equal(execCount(funcB), 1)
expect_equal(execCount(obsC), 1)
expect_equal(execCount(obsD), 1)
values$A <- 2
expect_equal(observed_value1, 14) # Should be 2 * (2 + 5) = 14
expect_equal(observed_value2, 14) # Should be 2 * (2 + 5) = 14
expect_equal(execCount(funcB), 2)
expect_equal(execCount(obsC), 2)
expect_equal(execCount(obsD), 2)