I am using CollapsingBarLayout with viewpager and the fragments of viewpager are having listview, gridview.
Here is my code:
i have achieved this i will put my code with the library used firstly this is the layout file
and in the java code you should add this
.setHeader(R.id.header, (ViewGroup) contentView)
.animator(new ParallaxStikkyAnimator())
and here is the library used
but i have modified this library to work as i want
the modification is add method in stcikylistview builder to know the activity used and pass a delegate for scrolling i used this because i added a blur for images in the viewpager
and her is my modification
i will upload the modified version of the library here you are https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxdN8PyW5nmHMmFFeFY2aW9zdlk/view?usp=sharing