I want to stream the lines contained in files but MOVING each file to another folder once it has been processed.
The current process is like this:
Can do something like this:
.map( file -> {
getBufferedReader( file ).lines()
.forEach( System.out::println );
return file;
} )
.forEach( this::moveFile );
Update for checked exceptions and Reader.close
Admittedly, this doesn't run close()
in a finally
block, so that is a downside. The point of this update is mainly to illustrate a way of dealing with checked exceptions in Java 8 streams.
Let's say you have the following utility code available:
private interface ThrowingFunction
O apply( I input ) throws Exception;
private Function unchecked( ThrowingFunction checked )
return i -> {
try {
return checked.apply( i );
catch ( Exception e ) {
throw new RuntimeException();
private interface ThrowingConsumer
void consume( T input ) throws Exception;
private Consumer unchecked( ThrowingConsumer checked )
return t -> {
try {
checked.consume( t );
catch ( Exception e ) {
throw new RuntimeException();
private BufferedReader getBufferedReader( File file ) throws FileNotFoundException
return new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( new FileInputStream( file )));
Writing the actual code then becomes:
.map( file -> {
Stream.of( file )
.map( unchecked( this::getBufferedReader ))
.map( reader -> {
reader.lines().forEach( System.out::println );
return reader;
} )
.forEach( unchecked( Reader::close ));
return file;
} )
.forEach( this::moveFile );