Is it possible to modify the numpy.random.choice function in order to make it return the index of the chosen element? Basically, I want to create a list and select elements ran
This is a bit in left field compared with the other answers, but I thought it might help what it sounds like you're trying to do in a slightly larger sense. You can generate a random sample without replacement by shuffling the indices of the elements in the source array :
source = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=100) # generate a set to sample from
idx = np.arange(len(source))
subsample = source[idx[:10]]
This will create a sample (here, of size 10) by drawing elements from the source set (here, of size 100) without replacement.
You can interact with the non-selected elements by using the remaining index values, i.e.:
notsampled = source[idx[10:]]