Say I have a tree defined as per the recommendation in this post, although it\'s a vector in my case, which hopefully shouldn\'t matter (they\'re vectors in Programming Clojure
Since apparently there is still no breadth-first solution posted, here is a simple algorithm, implemented first eagerly, and then transformed to be lazy:
(defn bfs-eager [tree]
(loop [ret [], queue (conj clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY tree)]
(if (seq queue)
(let [[node & children] (peek queue)]
(recur (conj ret node) (into (pop queue) children)))
(defn bfs-lazy [tree]
((fn step [queue]
(when (seq queue)
(let [[node & children] (peek queue)]
(cons node
(step (into (pop queue) children)))))))
(conj clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY tree)))