I feel I am missing a trick here...
I just want to call viewDidLoad or viewDidAppear on the current active view controller when applicationDidBecomeActive gets called, s
your AppDelegate will have a window property, that window will have a rootViewController property. You can find your viewController here.
If you are using a TabBarController, the rootviewcontroller will be the tabbarcontroller, and you can call the tabbarcontroller's selectedViewController to get the current viewController.
UIViewController *rootViewController = [[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] window] rootViewController];
if ([rootViewController isKindOfClass:[UITabBarController Class]])
rootViewController = ((UITabBarController *)rootViewController).selectedViewController;
else if ([rootViewController isKindOfClass:[UINavigationController Class]])
rootViewController = ((UINavigationController *)rootViewController).topViewController;
[rootViewController viewDidAppear];
If you have a more complex view hierarchy with navigation controllers, or modal views, you can call on presentedViewController, or topViewController.