Asking about Object.defineProperty as demonstrated below:
function testComponent(){
var testProperty;
Object.defineProperty(this, \"testProperty\",
According to ES5-shim:
/!\ Object.defineProperty
This method will silently fail to set "writable", "enumerable", and "configurable" properties.
Providing a getter or setter with "get" or "set" on a descriptor will silently fail on engines that lack "defineGetter" and "defineSetter", which include all versions of IE up to version 8 so far.
IE 8 provides a version of this method but it only works on DOM objects. Thus, the shim will not get installed and attempts to set "value" properties will fail silently on non-DOM objects.
So you know your answer. It can be done on DOM elements, that's it (and on IE8 only).
I'd suggest you just use get/set methods if you want IE7 to work.