Writing gimp plugins in python on windows- how do i debug? where is the output?

前端 未结 3 2050
不思量自难忘° 2021-02-02 11:52

EDITED HEAVILY with some new information (and a bounty)

I am trying to create a plug in in python for gimp. (on windows) this page http://gimpbook.com/scripting/notes.ht

  •  孤城傲影
    2021-02-02 12:47

    1- can i refresh a plugin without restarting gimp ? (so at least my slow-morph will be faster )

    You must restart GIMP when you add a script or change register(). No need to restart when changing other parts of the script -- it runs as a separate process and will be re-read from disk each time.

    helpful source: http://gimpbook.com/scripting/notes.html

    2- can i run plug-ins from the python-fu shell. (as opposed to just importing them to make sure they parse.)

    Yes, you can access to your registered plug-in in python-fu console as:

    >>> pdb.name_of_registerd_plug-in

    And can call it like:

    >>> pdb.name_of_registerd_plug-in(img, arg1, arg2, ...)

    Also in python-fu dialog console, you can click to Browse .. option and find your registered plug-in, and then click Apply , to import it to python-fu console.

    helpful source: http://registry.gimp.org/node/28434

    3- is there an error-log i am missing, or something to that effect?

    To log, you can define a function like this:

    def gimp_log(text):

    And use it in your code, whenever you want.

    To see log of that, in gimp program, open Error Console from Dockable Dialogs in Windows menu, otherwise a message box will be pop up on every time you make a log.

    Also you can redirect stdin and stdout to a file,:

    import sys
    sys.stderr = open('er.txt', 'a')
    sys.stdout = open('log.txt', 'a')

    When you do that, all of exceptions will go to err.txt and all of print out will be go to log.txt Note that open file with a option instead of w to keep log file.

    helpful sources:

    How do I output info to the console in a Gimp python script?


    4- is there a way to run gimp on windows from a shell to see output ? (am i better off under cygwin (or virtualbox.. ))?

    I got some error for that, but may try again ...

    5- i haven't yet looked up how to connect winpdb to an existing process. how would i go about connecting it to a python process that runs inside gimp?

    First install winpdb , and also wxPython ( Winpdb GUI depends on wxPython)

    Note that Gimp has own python interpreter, and may you want to install winpdb to your default python interpreter or to gimp python interpreter.

    If you install winpdb to your default python interpreter, then you need to copy rpdb2.py installed file to ..\Lib\site-packages of gimp python interpreter path.

    After that you should be able to import pdb2 module from Python-Fu console of gimp:

    GIMP 2.8.10 Python Console
    Python 2.7.5 (default, May 15 2013, 22:43:36) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
    >>> import rpdb2

    Now in your plug-in code, for example in your main function add following code:

    import rpdb2 # may be included out side of function.
    rpdb2.start_embedded_debugger("pass") # a password that will asked by winpdb

    Next, go to gimp and run your python plug-in, when you run your plug-in, it will run and then wait when reach to above code.

    Now to open Winpdb GUI go to ..\PythonXX\Scripts and run winpdb_.pyw.

    (Note that when using Winpdb for remote debugging make sure any firewall on the way has TCP port 51000 open. Note that if port 51000 is taken Winpdb will search for an alternative port between 51000 and 51023.)

    Then in Winpdb GUI from File menu select attach and give pass as password to it, and then you can see your plug-in script on that list, select it and start your debug step by step.

    debug python gimp plugin with Winpdb

    helpful resource: Installing PyGIMP on Windows

    Useful sources:






