I want to extract all rows from here while ignoring the column headers as well as all page headers, i.e. Supported Devices
pdftotext -layout DAC06
What you want is rather easy, but you're having a different problem also (I'm not sure you are aware of it...).
First, you should add -nopgbrk
for ("No pagebreaks, please!") to your command. Because these pesky ^L
characters which otherwise appear in the output then need not be filtered out later.
Adding a grep -vE '(Supported Devices|^$)'
will then filter out all the lines you do not want, including empty lines, or lines with only spaces:
pdftotext -layout -nopgbrk \
DAC06E7D1302B790429AF6E84696FCFAB20B.pdf - \
| grep -vE '(Supported Devices|^$|Marketing Name)' \
| gsed '$d' \
| gsed -r 's# +#,#g' \
| gsed '# ##g' \
> output2.csv
However, your other problem is this:
option as a series of space characters, sometimes even two in the same row.,
separator).There is a workaround for this:
-x ... -y ... -W ... -H ...
parameters to pdftotext
to crop the PDF column-wise.paste
and column
.The following command extracts the first columns:
pdftotext -layout -x 38 -y 77 -W 176 -H 500 \
DAC06E7D1302B790429AF6E84696FCFAB20B.pdf - > 1st-columns.txt
These are for second, third and fourth columns:
pdftotext -layout -x 214 -y 77 -W 176 -H 500 \
DAC06E7D1302B790429AF6E84696FCFAB20B.pdf - > 2nd-columns.txt
pdftotext -layout -x 390 -y 77 -W 176 -H 500 \
DAC06E7D1302B790429AF6E84696FCFAB20B.pdf - > 3rd-columns.txt
pdftotext -layout -x 567 -y 77 -W 176 -H 500 \
DAC06E7D1302B790429AF6E84696FCFAB20B.pdf - > 4th-columns.txt
BTW, I cheated a bit: in order to get a clue about what values to use for -x
, -y
, -W
and -H
I did first run this command in order to find the exact coordinates of the column header words:
pdftotext -f 1 -l 1 -layout -bbox \
DAC06E7D1302B790429AF6E84696FCFAB20B.pdf - | head -n 10
It's always good if you know how to read and make use of pdftotext -h
. :-)
Anyway, how to append the four text files as columns side by side, with the proper CVS separator in between, you should find out yourself. Or ask a new question :-)