Why doesn\'t the graph in Sourcetree display a new branch branching off from the master branch , when I create a new branch called \"testing123\" in terminal ?
This is actually a genuine issue if the purpose of GitFlow is to be intuitively informative. If I do an initial commit followed by branch develop, and branch feature1 (as in Vincent Dreissen's A Successful Git-Branching Model) GitFlow depicts this as a linear chain o-o-o when in fact it should be a branching chain
o [feature1]
o [develop]
o [master]
with links in different colors, blue pink, and yellow, to indicate that these are three separate branches. Now GitFlow does "fix" this problem when you eventually merge develop and feature, and then merge master and develop, but until you do those merges the graph looks much different than what you are conceptualizing.
Can there be an option to make different branches appear in different colors? Because the original questioner's point is right - the master and test123 branches appear in a single line of a single color. That is actually not quite right, and is very confusing to the noobie.