Im reading Abdi & Williams (2010) \"Principal Component Analysis\", and I\'m trying to redo the SVD to attain values for further PCA.
The article states that followi
From the scipy.linalg.svd docstring, where (M,N) is the shape of the input matrix, and K is the lesser of the two:
U : ndarray
Unitary matrix having left singular vectors as columns.
Of shape ``(M,M)`` or ``(M,K)``, depending on `full_matrices`.
s : ndarray
The singular values, sorted in non-increasing order.
Of shape (K,), with ``K = min(M, N)``.
Vh : ndarray
Unitary matrix having right singular vectors as rows.
Of shape ``(N,N)`` or ``(K,N)`` depending on `full_matrices`.
Vh, as described, is the transpose of the Q used in the Abdi and Williams paper. So just
X_a =
should give you your answer.