I have a small piece of code here for your consideration which puzzles me quite a lot. The strange thing is that it compiles on both Sun Studio and GCC even though I think it sh
This is Argument-Dependent Name Lookup, a.k.a. ADL, a.k.a. Koenig lookup. This was invented to make operators work as expected, e.g.:
namespace fu {
struct bar { int i; };
inline std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& o, const bar& b ) {
return o << "fu::bar " << b.i;
fu::bar b;
b.i = 42;
std::cout << b << std::endl; // works via ADL magic
Without ADL you'd have to either explicitly bring the output operator with ugly using fu::operator<<;
, or use even uglier explicit call:
fu::operator<<( std::cout, b ) << std::endl;