I want to enter the rails console on production server from my local machine via capistrano. I found some gists, e.g. https://gist.github.com/813291 and when I enter console via
A simple Capistrano 3 solution may be:
namespace :rails do
desc "Run the console on a remote server."
task :console do
on roles(:app) do |h|
execute_interactively "RAILS_ENV=#{fetch(:rails_env)} bundle exec rails console", h.user
def execute_interactively(command, user)
info "Connecting with #{user}@#{host}"
cmd = "ssh #{user}@#{host} -p 22 -t 'cd #{fetch(:deploy_to)}/current && #{command}'"
exec cmd
Then you can call it say, on staging, with: cap staging rails:console
. Have fun!