I want to enter the rails console on production server from my local machine via capistrano. I found some gists, e.g. https://gist.github.com/813291 and when I enter console via
For Capistrano 3 you can add these lines in your config/deploy
namespace :rails do
desc 'Open a rails console `cap [staging] rails:console [server_index default: 0]`'
task :console do
server = roles(:app)[ARGV[2].to_i]
puts "Opening a console on: #{server.hostname}...."
cmd = "ssh #{server.user}@#{server.hostname} -t 'cd #{fetch(:deploy_to)}/current && RAILS_ENV=#{fetch(:rails_env)} bundle exec rails console'"
puts cmd
exec cmd
To open the first server in the servers list:
cap [staging] rails:console
To open the second server in the servers list:
cap [staging] rails:console 1
Reference: Opening a Rails console with Capistrano 3
exec is needed to replace the current process, otherwise you will not be able to interact with the rails console.