Would someone please explain the difference between forwarding and delegation? They seem similar, but I haven\'t been able to find a good definition of forwarding, so I\'m not s
Forwarding is sort of like "inheritance via containment", or "implementation inheritance the hard way".
Typical implementation inheritance:
class Base
void baseFn() { }
class Derived : public Base
void derivedFn() { }
Now, an instance of Derived has a baseFn() method. This is a way of sharing implementation between different classes.
Forwarding looks like this:
class Contained
void containedFn() { }
class Thing
void thingFn() { }
void containedFn() { mContained.containedFn(); }
Contained mContained;
You could have also implemented that with private inheritance.
Delegation is a special case of forwarding, where at the "thing to forward" to is an interface itself.
class Delegate
virtual void doDelegateAction() = 0;
class DelegateA : public Delegate
virtual void doDelegateAction() { }
class DelegateB : public Delegate
virtual void doDelegateAction() { }
class Thing
void Thing (Delegate * delegate) { mDelegate = delegate; }
void thingFn() { }
void containedFn() { if (mDelegate) mDelegate->doDelegateAction(); }
Delegate * mDelegate; // Note, we don't own this memory, buyer beware.
Now, you can swap out the implementation of delegate at runtime, whereas in forwarding you cannot (and you may not want to, which is why you would do it).
If that answers the wrong question, let me know in a comment and I'll remove the answer.