I am looking to get some input from other users on the benefits of server-side MVC. With the power of many javascript libraries. What good purpose does server-side MVC server
Comparing just MVC from one endpoint against the other is not very constructive. MVC is the structure of how you organize your code. It is a family of design patterns that helps you decouple your code and make it more maintainable. We want that always.
Everyone will agree that whether you build on the server or the client, you must have a good architecture with separation of concerns. There is no contest there.
The real and more important question is: Client side vs Server side rendering? Where do you want to generate your HTML views, on the server or the client? This a different question that is more concerned about page speed & UI responsiveness. Also, it has been answered multiple times in multiple places. Search ex: https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=client+rendering+vs+server+rendering