I have the following code:
public List FindStepsByType(IWFResource res)
List retval = new List&
Your code has a few problems (some you and others have identified):
To fix this, and still use an anonymous delegate, assign it to a local variable, and then remove the handler inside a finally block (necessary in case the handler throws an exception):
public List FindStepsByType(IWFResource res)
List retval = new List();
EventHandler handler = (sender, e) =>
if (e.Step.ResourceType == res) retval.Add(e.Step);
this.FoundStep += handler;
this.FoundStep -= handler;
return retval;
With C# 7.0+ you can replace the anonymous delegate with a local function, achieving the same effect:
public List FindStepsByType(IWFResource res)
var retval = new List();
void Handler(object sender, WalkerStepEventArgs e)
if (e.Step.ResourceType == res) retval.Add(e.Step);
FoundStep += Handler;
FoundStep -= Handler;
return retval;