I have have my angular app validating a sign-up form. On submit, the server also validates the data. I\'m outputting error messages in angular using ng-messages.
Here i
Well, this is not the most elegant solution since you really should leverage the asyncValidators in angular 1.3.x and then create your custom validation directives.
http://plnkr.co/edit/s4jJAOqehBkFUC9osMsy?p=preview found in the post by this guy.
Possibly here http://odetocode.com/blogs/scott/archive/2014/10/16/working-with-validators-and-messages-in-angularjs.aspx
And of course in the docs
But be cautious as this is not in any way a complete example ready to be used. It's mostly here for demo purpose and to sort of give you an idea where to start. I have not bothered with clearing any previous errors, revalidating the form or taken into account other validation errors.
Imagine your controller looks like this
$scope.serverValidations = {};
$scope.attemptSignUp = function(){
Api.validateEmail($scope.email).then(angular.noop, function(data){
$scope.serverValidations = data
for(prop in $scope.serverValidations){
$scope.signUpForm[prop].$setValidity(validation.type, false);
and your response data containing validation errors look like this
{type:'unique', message:'This email is already in use'}
{type:'maxlength', message:'Your name is to long, get a new one :)'}
Then in your HTML you could do like this
You don't have a name?
Here's a dirty Codepen for you: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/yyzMgG?editors=101 When you press submit, after 2 seconds (the time it takes to hit the fake server) your server validations are presented.