How do i execute the following scenario in the browser with RxJs:
Not your question, but I needed the same functionality
import { takeWhileInclusive } from 'rxjs-take-while-inclusive'
import { of, interval, race, throwError } from 'rxjs'
import { catchError, timeout, mergeMap, delay, switchMapTo } from 'rxjs/operators'
const defaultMaxWaitTimeMilliseconds = 5 * 1000
function isAsyncThingSatisfied(result) {
return true
export function doAsyncThingSeveralTimesWithTimeout(
maxWaitTimeMilliseconds = defaultMaxWaitTimeMilliseconds,
checkEveryMilliseconds = 500,
) {
const subject$ = race(
mergeMap(() => doAsyncThingReturnsPromise()),
takeWhileInclusive(result => isAsyncThingSatisfied(result)),
switchMapTo(throwError('doAsyncThingSeveralTimesWithTimeout timeout'))
return subject$.toPromise(Promise) // will return first result satistieble result of doAsyncThingReturnsPromise or throw error on timeout
// mailhogWaitForNEmails
import { takeWhileInclusive } from 'rxjs-take-while-inclusive'
import { of, interval, race, throwError } from 'rxjs'
import { catchError, timeout, mergeMap, delay, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators'
const defaultMaxWaitTimeMilliseconds = 5 * 1000
export function mailhogWaitForNEmails(
maxWaitTimeMilliseconds = defaultMaxWaitTimeMilliseconds,
checkEveryMilliseconds = 500,
) {
let tries = 0
const mails$ = race(
mergeMap(() => mailhogClient.getAll()),
takeWhileInclusive(mails => {
tries += 1
return < numberOfExpectedEmails
switchMap(() => throwError(`mailhogWaitForNEmails timeout after ${tries} tries`))
// toPromise returns promise which contains the last value from the Observable sequence.
// If the Observable sequence is in error, then the Promise will be in the rejected stage.
// If the sequence is empty, the Promise will not resolve.
return mails$.toPromise(Promise)
// mailhogWaitForEmailAndClean
import { mailhogWaitForNEmails } from './mailhogWaitForNEmails'
export async function mailhogWaitForEmailAndClean(mailhogClient) {
const mails = await mailhogWaitForNEmails(mailhogClient, 1)
if (mails.count !== 1) {
throw new Error(
`Expected to receive 1 email, but received ${mails.count} emails`,
await mailhogClient.deleteAll()
return mails.items[0]