On the iPhone I use a Navigation Controller to push and pop Views from. Very handy.
Is there an equivalent in Android?
I made a Framework (github) to provide a hierarchical navigation pattern, with animations to provide sense of navigation, rather than launching new Activities every time.
Here's how to use it:
(in Android Studio if you click Alt + insert and select implement - methods all the function definitions are automatically generated).
public class NavigationTest extends NavigationActivity{
public Fragment firstFragment() {
//return the first fragment that will be shown
public Boolean showBackButtonInFirstFragment() {
//show back button already in the first Fragment
//set to True if this activity is called by another Activity
//the back button will then pop back to the previous Activity
public Boolean showMasterDetailLayoutInTablets() {
//set to false if you don't want a master-detail layout in tablets
You can present a new fragment (with a nice animation) by calling the pushFragment method from NavigationActivity.
public void pushFragment(Fragment newFragment, animationType animation, boolean showAsDetailFragmentIfPossible)
newFragment (Fragment): New Fragment that will be presented
animation (animationType): Animation type enum: RIGHT_TO_LEFT, BOTTOM_TO_TOP, FLIP
showAsDetailFragmentIfPossible (boolean): If set as True, the user is in a Tablet, and you are using a master-detail layout, the Fragment will be shown in the detail Fragment (the panel in the right)!
Since you can access the activity from any Fragment with the getActivity() method, you can show a new Fragment from the currently displaying Fragment. For example you can put this code within a button click listener:
NextFragment f = new NextFragment();
NavigationActivity nav =((NavigationActivity)getActivity());
You don't have to worry about implementing the back button behaviour. This is handled automatically by the NavigationActivity class.