I am using devise 1.4.2 with rails 3.0.9, cucumber-rails 1.0.2, capybara 1.0.0. I got No route matches \"/users/sign_out\"
error when I clicked logout. I added
The easiest way to correct this problem (albeit probably not the most correct one) is to modify your routes file to match the rest of the application. E.g. make the GET version of destroy_user_session_path work. You can do this by modifying the routes file as follows
devise_for :users
devise_for :users do
get "/users/sign_out" => "devise/sessions#destroy", :as => :destroy_user_session
This is a bit dirty. I'm sure that Devise deprecated the GET route for good reason. However, fixing it any other way is beyond my Cucumber knowledge at this point, as every test in that suite ultimately relies on visit('/users/logout') which just isn't possible with the out-of-the-box Devise routes.
You can also fix this by commenting out the following in config/initialers/devise.rb
#config.sign_out_via = :delete