I\'ve been trying to access or find away to access data from NFL.com, but have not found it yet. There is public documentation on these sites:
Hooks Data provides a real-time API for major US sports including NFL.
1) Get API KEY here: https://www.hooksdata.io/signup?invite=SM4555
2) Subscribe to soccer games:
curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{
"query": "SELECT * FROM NFLGames WHERE away_team.team_name = 'New England Patriots' OR home_team.team_name = 'New England Patriots' AND start_datetime.countdown = 3600"}' 'http://api.hooksdata.io/v1/subscriptions'
DOCS: https://www.hooksdata.io/docs/api/datasources/nflgames/
3) Optional: Add a Webhooks URL where you want to get the data: https://www.hooksdata.io/webhooks
4) Pull the data using fetch endpoint https://www.hooksdata.io/docs/api/api-reference/#query-datasource
5) Get all the data in JSON:
"matches_count": 1,
"results": [
"_entity_type": "NFLGame",
"_id": "NFLGame_400999173",
"away_score": null,
"away_team": {
"_entity_type": "NFLTeam",
"_id": "NFLTeam_NE",
"acronym": "NE",
"division": "AFC East",
"id": "NFLTeam_NE",
"team_name": "New England Patriots"
"game_id": "400999173",
"home_score": null,
"home_team": {
"_entity_type": "NFLTeam",
"_id": "NFLTeam_PHI",
"acronym": "PHI",
"division": "NFC East",
"id": "NFLTeam_PHI",
"team_name": "Philadelphia Eagles"
"link": "http://espn.go.com/nfl/game?gameId=400999173",
"start_datetime": null,
"status": "FUTURE"