Websocket in Spring Boot app - Getting 403 Forbidden
I can connect to the websocket from client using sockjs/stompjs when I run this in eclipse (no spring boot).
Difference between my 2 environment was the version of jars.
Because of the spring-boot-starter-websocket dependency while packaging it was picking up spring-websocket-4.1.7.RELEASE inspite of the spring_version being spring_version=4.0.6.RELEASE.
Modified the dependency in build.gradle that fixed the problem.
compile "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-websocket:1.1.0.RELEASE"
I think in latest version of spring-websocket jar the class StompWebSocketEndpointRegistration has setAllowedOrigins method that has to be used.Have not tried this.
But CORS filter with
response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "http://localhost:8089");
is working with older version.