I have a spring mvc (3.2.5) application with spring security (3.2).
I configured my SecurityConfig.class with this method :
protected void co
Post requests need the CSRF token to be added to the form. So you have to pass it while testing, code: ("it works on my machine" :))
String TOKEN_ATTR_NAME = "org.springframework.security.web.csrf.HttpSessionCsrfTokenRepository.CSRF_TOKEN";
// ...
HttpSessionCsrfTokenRepository httpSessionCsrfTokenRepository = new HttpSessionCsrfTokenRepository();
CsrfToken csrfToken = httpSessionCsrfTokenRepository.generateToken(new MockHttpServletRequest());
.sessionAttr(TOKEN_ATTR_NAME, csrfToken)
.param(csrfToken.getParamName(), csrfToken.getToken())...
2nd thing: are you sure that registration" method handles your post request? Isn't RequestMapping configured for "GET" by default? (I may be wrong here)