I have a code pattern which translates one integer to another. Just like this:
int t(int value) {
switch (value) {
case 1: return const_1;
I agree with using an array, but I don't have the reputation to vote for it. It's only 65536 entries, so unless you're under serious memory constraints and/or you're returning something very large, instead of int like your example, you will be much better off with a static const array. Having an array of 64k int's is generally only 256kB, and it would be half or 1/4 that size if you can use a short or char. I think the best you can hope for with a switch statement is a conditional branch for values outside of it's array of code pointers and a second conditional branch to jump to the code for a value inside the array. Being able to just execute "return my_array[value]" will just result in a memory fetch (possibly from l3 cache).
For readability, you can stick the array in its own file and line up all the values in a grid with something like 10 or 16 entries per line. Then you comment each line with the first part of each entry number (e.g. "// 0x12A?" ), and have periodic comment lines that would line up with the columns to fill in the last digit for the entry number (e.g. "// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F"). I've done this for several arrays of 256 entries, which has been much easier to manage than a switch statement. I've also used arrays with 64k entries for fast integer logarithms, which get more complicated to manage, but I was able to write a program to generate all the array code.
With something that large, code management may not be easier until you're dealing with more entries, but it depends on your editor and skill with it. Maintaining such an array is just adjusting a spot in a chart instead of hunting down values that may or may not be in a long list of "case 1: return const_1;". A couple of for loops should suffice to generate an array of 64k entries, that are properly commented and filled with default values.
For access safety, you might consider using some sort of bounds checking. This could be done with boost's preconditions, throwing an exception or special return if the number is out of bounds, or a simple "return my_array[value&0xffff]". However, you might have a strong enough guarantee on your incoming value that you don't need any of it.