Let\'s say I have the following (very simple) data structure:
$scope.accounts = [{
percent: 30,
name: \"Checking\"},
{ percent: 70,
name: \"Savings\"}]
Ok, the following works (again, "share" is "percent"):
app.directive('shareValidate', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
link: function(scope, elem, attr, ctrl) {
scope.$watch(attr.shareValidate, function(newArr, oldArr) {
var sum = 0;
angular.forEach(newArr, function(entity, i) {
sum += entity.share;
if (sum === 100) {
ctrl.$setValidity('share', true);
scope.path.offers.invalidShares = false;
else {
ctrl.$setValidity('share', false);
scope.path.offers.invalidShares = true;
}, true); //enable deep dirty checking
In the HTML, set the attribute as "share-validate", and the value to the set of objects you want to watch.