I want to run tests from a console like this (being in any directory, the DLL file can be for a different .NET version):
$ nunit3-console test.dll
I am using NUnit3-console.exe with Selenium WebDriver to run my automation, all of which is written in C#. I have multiple environments set up under discreet logins of Windows Server 2012.
NUnit-Console doesn't have to be "installed", although the .msi is readily available. Instead, I use the .zip and extract the files to a directory, C:\Nunit, rather than allowing the invocation to resolve from the PATH. All invocations are from a Windows Forms scheduler in the form -
C:\Nunit\NUnit3-Console.exe -work:C:\Users\xxxx\Automation\TestResults\ -out:TestResult.xml --where "name =~ 'yyyy'" --p environment=qa;browser=Firefox;browserSizeX=1200;browserSizeY=800 "C:\QA_Libraries3\zzzz.dll"
The test parameters are passed on the command line and the NUnit results plus results from the test are extracted from the TestResult.xml which is distinct for each user (environment).