I have a github page for my organization where I would like to call data from a 3rd party api where I need an auth token. Can I publish this github page without having the auth
In short yes, you can store the auth token in an environment variable and use gitignore on the .env file to hide the auth token in the public repo. Refresh the auth token on the client-side API then push changes to the public repo and redeploy your updates to the gh-pages branch. I've provided an example of this process below.
If you committed a password or API key, change it! If you committed a key, generate a new one. Reference general best practices on GitHub.
If using React for your app, SKIP steps 1 and 2 as React already comes pre installed with custom environment variables. Reference Create React App.
The full explanation can be found below:
1. Install dotenv dependency in application root directory (will be using Node.js for this example) Reference npm, run command:
npm install dotenv
2. Add code below to import statements in index.js file.
3. Create .env file in root directory of app and add auth token as variable. Note when using React you must prepend variable name with REACT_APP_
4. Use console.log() on process.env to check if the variable was stored correctly.
5. Update all references to auth token in application code.
OLD VARIABLE: const auth_token = '987asc8iks0lenv7';
NEW VARIABLE: const auth_token = process.env.AUTH_TOKEN;
6. Create and add .gitignore file to the root directory of application and add code below to have git ignore the .env file where the auth token is stored.
7. Add, commit and push updates to application master branch on GitHub.
8. To deploy or redeploy updates to gh-pages branch. Use command below.
npm run deploy