When I start an ngrok client with ./ngrok tcp 22
it runs in the foreground and I can see the randoming generated forwarding URL, such as tcp://0.tcp.ngrok.io:
If it helps anyone I wrote a quick script to extract the generated random url in Node:
It makes assumption you're only interested in the secure url.
const fetch = require('node-fetch')
.then(res => res.json())
.then(json => json.tunnels.find(tunnel => tunnel.proto === 'https'))
.then(secureTunnel => console.log(secureTunnel.public_url))
.catch(err => {
if (err.code === 'ECONNREFUSED') {
return console.error("Looks like you're not running ngrok.")
If you wanted all tunnels:
const fetch = require('node-fetch')
.then(res => res.json())
.then(json => json.tunnels.map(tunnel => tunnel.public_url))
.then(publicUrls => publicUrls.forEach(url => console.log(url)))
.catch(err => {
if (err.code === 'ECONNREFUSED') {
return console.error(
"Looks like you're not running ngrok."