I have the following test:
it.only(\'validation should fail\', function(done) {
var body = {
title: \"dffdasfsdfsdafddfsadsa\",
Use chai-as-promised
, with native Mocha promise handlers.
var chai = require('chai').use(require('chai-as-promised'));
var should = chai.should(); // This will enable .should for promise assertions
You no longer need done
, simply return the promise.
// Remove `done` from the line below
it.only('validation should fail', function(/* done */) {
var body = {
title: "dffdasfsdfsdafddfsadsa",
description: "Postman Description",
beginDate: now.add(3, 'd').format(),
endDate: now.add(4, 'd').format()
var rules = eventsValidation.eventCreationRules();
var valMessages = eventsValidation.eventCreationMessages();
// Return the promise
return indicative
.validateAll(rules, body, valMessages)
.should.be.rejected; // The test will pass only if the promise is rejected
// Remove done, we no longer need it
// done();