I need to take the matrix product of two NumPy matrices (or other 2d arrays) containing log probabilities. The naive way np.log(np.dot(np.exp(a), np.exp(b)))
is not
Suppose A.shape==(n,r)
and B.shape==(r,m)
. In computing the matrix product C=A*B
, there are actually n*m
summations. To have stable results when you're working in log-space, You need the logsumexp trick in each of these summations. Fortunately, using numpy broadcasting that's quite easy to control stability of rows and columns of A and B separately.
Here is the code:
def logdotexp(A, B):
max_A = np.max(A,1,keepdims=True)
max_B = np.max(B,0,keepdims=True)
C = np.dot(np.exp(A - max_A), np.exp(B - max_B))
np.log(C, out=C)
C += max_A + max_B
return C
The reasoning behind this is similar to the FredFoo's answer, but he used a single maximum value for each matrix. Since he did not consider every n*m
summations, some elements of the final matrix might still be unstable as mentioned in one of the comments.
Comparing with the currently accepted answer using @identity-m counter example:
def logdotexp_less_stable(A, B):
max_A = np.max(A)
max_B = np.max(B)
C = np.dot(np.exp(A - max_A), np.exp(B - max_B))
np.log(C, out=C)
C += max_A + max_B
return C
print('old method:')
print(logdotexp_less_stable([[0,0],[0,0]], [[-1000,0], [-1000,0]]))
print('new method:')
print(logdotexp([[0,0],[0,0]], [[-1000,0], [-1000,0]]))
which prints
old method:
[[ -inf 0.69314718]
[ -inf 0.69314718]]
new method:
[[-9.99306853e+02 6.93147181e-01]
[-9.99306853e+02 6.93147181e-01]]