Update: I have filed a bug report with Microsoft Connect, please vote for it!
Update 2: Microsoft have marked the bug report as fixed
Other than a few nops, reflector indictes the only differences are in the IsGuid method:
.method public hidebysig static bool IsGuid(object item) cil managed
.maxstack 2
.locals init (
[0] bool CS$1$0000)
L_0000: nop
L_0001: ldarg.0
L_0002: isinst [mscorlib]System.Guid
L_0007: ldnull
L_0008: cgt.un
L_000a: stloc.0
L_000b: br.s L_000d
L_000d: ldloc.0
L_000e: ret
.method public hidebysig static bool IsGuid(object item) cil managed
.maxstack 8
L_0000: ldarg.0
L_0001: isinst [mscorlib]System.Guid
L_0006: ldnull
L_0007: cgt.un
L_0009: ret
I'm not fluent enough to explain these differences but this is a community wiki answer so maybe somebody else can enlighten us?
Changing the method to make it generic works around this (possible bug?)
public static bool IsGuid(T item)
return item is Guid;
As does forcing it into a local varible (but it must be used in the method to prevent the optimizations kicking in):
public static bool IsGuid(object item)
bool a = item is Guid;
return a;