I am fairly new to python, and noticed these posts: Python __init__ and self what do they do? and Python Classes without using def __init__(self)
After playing around w
In the first exemple you have the variable of the instance of the class. This variable is only accessible through an instance (self required).
class A():
def __init__(self):
self.x = 'hello'
print A.x -> AttributeError
print A().x -> 'hello'
In the second exemple you have a static variable. You can access to this variable thanks to the name of the class A
class A():
x = 'hello'
print A.x -> 'hello'
print A().x -> 'hello'
In fact you can have a static variable and an instance variable with the same name:
class A():
x = 'hello'
def __init__(self):
self.x = 'world'
print A.x -> hello
print A().x -> world
The static value is shared between all the instances
class A():
x = 'hello'
def talk():
print A.x
a = A()
print a.talk() -> hello
A.x = 'world'
print a.talk() -> world
You have a good article here: http://linuxwell.com/2011/07/21/static-variables-and-methods-in-python/