For example I want to update all records to \'2012-01-01\' ( \"time\" : ISODate(\"2011-12-31T13:52:40Z\") ).
db.test.update( { time : \'2012-01-01\' }, false,
You need to create a new ISODate
object like this:
db.test.insert({"Time" : new ISODate("2012-01-10") });
This is true both for updates and for queries. Note that your query syntax is incorrect, it should be
db.test.update({ criteria }, { newObj }, upsert, multi);
For example, to update all objects, consider
db.test.update( {}, { $set : { "time" : new ISODate("2012-01-11T03:34:54Z") } }, true, true);
Also note that this is very different from
db.test.update( {}, { "time" : new ISODate("2012-01-11T03:34:54Z") }, true, false);
because the latter will replace the object, rather than add a new field to the existing document or updating the existing field. In this example, I changed the last parameter to false
, because multi updates only work with $